
Thursday, November 24, 2011

When our mind is our enemy

Especially in western societies, our minds have been pre-programmed to detest living in the present moment. They constantly yearn for either past moments of bliss, or the prospect of future satisfaction. We constantly try to run away from the 'now'. We have been trained to achieve goals that are in the near or distant future, whilst we should instead be dealing with the present. The result is that we often fail to enjoy the very acts that could instead enrich our present.

Our Higher Self abides beyond this earthly concept of time. Does time really exist or is it an imaginary concept that we incredibly managed to measure? Decay is something else. Decay is not imaginary. Decay is natural. But clocks??!?!? What does 'what time is it' really mean? The sun does not need the concept of time. Neither does the moon or indeed our body. If we appreciate every single instant in its entirety, maybe, just maybe, as we remain silent, and really mindfully embrace whatever we are doing, we might be able to meet our higher self.

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