
Thursday, November 24, 2011

When our mind is our enemy

Especially in western societies, our minds have been pre-programmed to detest living in the present moment. They constantly yearn for either past moments of bliss, or the prospect of future satisfaction. We constantly try to run away from the 'now'. We have been trained to achieve goals that are in the near or distant future, whilst we should instead be dealing with the present. The result is that we often fail to enjoy the very acts that could instead enrich our present.

Our Higher Self abides beyond this earthly concept of time. Does time really exist or is it an imaginary concept that we incredibly managed to measure? Decay is something else. Decay is not imaginary. Decay is natural. But clocks??!?!? What does 'what time is it' really mean? The sun does not need the concept of time. Neither does the moon or indeed our body. If we appreciate every single instant in its entirety, maybe, just maybe, as we remain silent, and really mindfully embrace whatever we are doing, we might be able to meet our higher self.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Never let anyone trap your potential inside the cage of religious dogmas which you are not allowed to question. True spiritual growth can no longer take place through fear. Fear is part of the plan to control your power to permeate your timeline with the divine light that you really are.

Faith is bigger than any church or temple. Faith is Cosmic and Universal. The Eternal Buddha that the great life force of the Universe is, does not discriminate in a denominational manner. To put it differently, God or Source or Krishna or Allah, or any other Object of Veneration you have decided to worship cannot really be pigeon holed. This includes non religious objects of veneration like sex, drugs, and music, or your computer and mobile phone, your pet and even your spouse.

I certainly do not mean that practicing a particular faith should be seen as a useless activity. Your act of meditation or devotion is instead even more meaningful when it is based on a sincere faith that springs forth from your very heart chakra. The unconditional love that transcends duality whilst embracing it in its light only resides in you as long as you overcome self centredness and think through the higher self that you really are. This is that divine spark that you truly are when you embrace your mental body and your ego body with that consciousness that knows no boundaries.

You are the Dharma. Everyone is the Dharma. Animals are the Dharma. Plants are the Dharma. Everyone is God. Gods are everyone and everything. Those whom you love and those you don't are the Dharma. It is time to let go of small mindedness and think big. Think as big as you really are. The time has come to let go of fear and really embrace the freedom that you really are.