
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meditation To End the Illusion of Separation from Source

During my latest meditation I received a request from my Higher Self to pass on this tool to all those who need it.

This meditation is of the utmost importance because it is the foundation of any other meditative exercise aimed at bringing about the new earth of love, light, cooperation, resources for all, equality, clean air and water, and blessings for all.

We must go beyond the illusion of having to be an an isolated ego in order to make it.

I feel so honoured to be able to give it to you all.

Here it goes then...


Find a spot where nobody will interrupt you.

Sit in the most comfortable position for you.

If you can, keep your back straight. You do not have to sit cross legged. Indeed, for this particular exercise it is best to keep your feet on the ground. Ultimately the most important thing is that you relax completely and let go of all.

Now close your eyes (if you wish you can keep them open) and start breathing consciously.

Feel the air entering your body and nurturing it.

Exhale whilst visualising all that makes you feel unhappy, unsafe and ill, leave your body and your field as you do so.

Continue breathing and keeping the same rythm.

Now visualise the light and love of Source descending into you from the Monad or Higher Self  that you eternally are, and going down and through your body perpendicularly, to finally ground itself into Mother Earth just below your feet.

Repeat for as long as your Higher Self advises you to do so.

Now visualise every single component of your physical body, ego body, mental body, and spiritual body completely imbued with the love and light of Source, the Eternal Life force that made us and that is made of everyone and everything.

You are now one with everyone and everything and with Source.

You are Source.

Feel the love, the light and the joy. Enjoy. Let go of all. Just be.

Continue breathing in and exhaling normally for as long as you wish.

Then visualise yourself drawing the love and the light you are experiencing back into the same timeline you inhabited before you began your meditation.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Do not give your power of self away to anyone or any church or any group that claims to be able to save you.

Nobody needs to be saved.

No spiritual teaching actually tells you to do that.

It is People who might do.

But have compassion.

Basically they do so because they are afraid of what you can do when you realise that you are an eternal and powerful divine being who temporarily inhabits this physical body of yours.

So thank your body and look after it for it is the treasure casket of your infinite energy and power of manifestation.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Mantra from Source from me to you

When you wake up simply repeat this once as soon as you open your eyes whilst acknoledging that every cell in your physical body is happy to do the same. Repeat when you go to bed:

'I am light. I am love. I am the light and love of Source. I am Source'.


Sunday, May 13, 2012


It is becoming increasingly clear to me what my role is going to be in all these changes that are taking place in our collective consciousness, and in particular on this planet. My mission relates to the empowerment of a particular group in this planet's society, right here on this earth. This is the group that is commonly referred to as LGBT. However, this is also a very limiting definition of whom I am referring to.

My Higher Self intends to facilitate the liberation from guilt and from entrapment of not only homosexual, bisexual, transgender and transsexual individuals, but also that of intersexual and non sexual beings. The encapsulation of sexuality and gender identity by the powers that were is coming to an end.

For a very long time some forces have been very active in causing physical and psychological suffering, torture, ridicule, discrimination, abuse, scorn and belittlement of all the above individuals. This suited a very well known fear inducing agenda of control and brain washing.

Basically, the very individuals who could liberate humanity from the prison that some forces had imposed on humanity's sexual and loving power had to be publicly humiliated, curtailed, or induced to a state of self loathing and isolation.

The truth is that Source creates, loves and wants homosexuals, transgender, transsexual, intersexual and non sexual people. Period.

An unprecedented time of healing and emancipation is finally coming for those homosexual, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersexual and non sexual 'souls' who are keen on accessing their own Higher Self to understand how empowering, caring, creative, loving, enlightened and privileged, their role can be in the world they decide to live in.

An unstoppable energy is rising from the collective itself and is going to help them to help themselves to understand that they have this option, and that their world needs them to be there and shine as bright as the light that they really are.

I am appearing on this planet at this time to channel this.

Monday, December 12, 2011


The rich and powerful world elite pack has hypnotised you to think that in order to be wealthy you have to compromise your values and be a negative person.

Money is not evil. Money is an elemental, and a most powerful one here. It is an expression of the reality of all existencies. It is a beautiful tool through which we can live comfortable lives in the three-dimensional reality. Money does not come dirty. But like anything else. at times people can use it to hurt, corrupt, enslave, and destroy. A lot of suffering can be created in connection with money. No matter how interesting it would maybe be to talk about subjects like 'how the rich and poweful world elite has hypnotised you to think that in order to be wealthy you have to compromise your values and be a negative person', I am not going to talk about all the horrible things that you could do with money. Instead I want to talk about new ways to improve your relationship with money. I completely owe my new relationship with money to Inelia Benz and her website The following exercise is her own creation. I would like to share it with you all.

Open your heart to money. Do not ask for things. But simply try to connect to the spirit of money as you would do with someone you are trying to get to know. Money does not like anything more than to be a lot. Think about it. What else can money do to express itself fully? Get hold of a note. Put it between your palms. Feel it. Money is so warm. Feel it. After a while you will be able to feel its energy rising through your arms via your hands. Embrace it. Feel it entering your aura. Introduce yourself to money like you would do with a new friend. Then continue to let money express itself in your hands and invite it to permeate your energy field. Relax and let it express fully. Do this without desire for anything if you can. Just enjoy the warmth of this new friendship.

Then thank your new friend for coming to see you and let it know that in your life it is very very welcome to express it itself without restraint at all times.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

We are Interdimensional Beings: Check it out by yourself!

There is no reason to doubt that we are not the only beings in the universe. How could we possibily be so selfish and deluded to think the opposite? The truth is that most people believe in extraterrestrials. It is also true that most people just happen not to bother or even ever think of it. Why should they? Life as it is, with its daily problems, is already more than busy. What difference does it make for you if ETs exist or not?

If you ever happen to lie on your bed, unable to fall asleep, or simply enjoying resting on your sofa and in the dark (it does not work in the bright light...or it just works differently so I will talk about this some other times) whilst listening to some relaxing music, you could find out by yourself whether it matters or not. You could actually find out that maybe there are not just ETs, but that these ETs are interdimensional, and not travelling across space and time but through different vibrational realities.

First of all relax. Really relax. Relax your body and let go. Let go of all, fears, worries, religion, politics, love, sex and whatever else fills your mind right now. Then agree with yourself that no matter what you see you will not let fear take over, because after all, whatever you will see is there all the time. It just happens that most of the time, you do not wittingly focus to concentrate on it. Then choose a spot in the air and fix it.

Do not move your eyes. Yes, you can blink, but then keep on fixing the same spot. You will find that the atmosphere actually has a visible movement. Keep on watching. Do not stop...

Well?!?!? Now, How do you know that to those you just saw you are not just the same i.e. An Interdimensional Being?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

When our mind is our enemy

Especially in western societies, our minds have been pre-programmed to detest living in the present moment. They constantly yearn for either past moments of bliss, or the prospect of future satisfaction. We constantly try to run away from the 'now'. We have been trained to achieve goals that are in the near or distant future, whilst we should instead be dealing with the present. The result is that we often fail to enjoy the very acts that could instead enrich our present.

Our Higher Self abides beyond this earthly concept of time. Does time really exist or is it an imaginary concept that we incredibly managed to measure? Decay is something else. Decay is not imaginary. Decay is natural. But clocks??!?!? What does 'what time is it' really mean? The sun does not need the concept of time. Neither does the moon or indeed our body. If we appreciate every single instant in its entirety, maybe, just maybe, as we remain silent, and really mindfully embrace whatever we are doing, we might be able to meet our higher self.