
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meditation To End the Illusion of Separation from Source

During my latest meditation I received a request from my Higher Self to pass on this tool to all those who need it.

This meditation is of the utmost importance because it is the foundation of any other meditative exercise aimed at bringing about the new earth of love, light, cooperation, resources for all, equality, clean air and water, and blessings for all.

We must go beyond the illusion of having to be an an isolated ego in order to make it.

I feel so honoured to be able to give it to you all.

Here it goes then...


Find a spot where nobody will interrupt you.

Sit in the most comfortable position for you.

If you can, keep your back straight. You do not have to sit cross legged. Indeed, for this particular exercise it is best to keep your feet on the ground. Ultimately the most important thing is that you relax completely and let go of all.

Now close your eyes (if you wish you can keep them open) and start breathing consciously.

Feel the air entering your body and nurturing it.

Exhale whilst visualising all that makes you feel unhappy, unsafe and ill, leave your body and your field as you do so.

Continue breathing and keeping the same rythm.

Now visualise the light and love of Source descending into you from the Monad or Higher Self  that you eternally are, and going down and through your body perpendicularly, to finally ground itself into Mother Earth just below your feet.

Repeat for as long as your Higher Self advises you to do so.

Now visualise every single component of your physical body, ego body, mental body, and spiritual body completely imbued with the love and light of Source, the Eternal Life force that made us and that is made of everyone and everything.

You are now one with everyone and everything and with Source.

You are Source.

Feel the love, the light and the joy. Enjoy. Let go of all. Just be.

Continue breathing in and exhaling normally for as long as you wish.

Then visualise yourself drawing the love and the light you are experiencing back into the same timeline you inhabited before you began your meditation.
