
Monday, December 12, 2011


The rich and powerful world elite pack has hypnotised you to think that in order to be wealthy you have to compromise your values and be a negative person.

Money is not evil. Money is an elemental, and a most powerful one here. It is an expression of the reality of all existencies. It is a beautiful tool through which we can live comfortable lives in the three-dimensional reality. Money does not come dirty. But like anything else. at times people can use it to hurt, corrupt, enslave, and destroy. A lot of suffering can be created in connection with money. No matter how interesting it would maybe be to talk about subjects like 'how the rich and poweful world elite has hypnotised you to think that in order to be wealthy you have to compromise your values and be a negative person', I am not going to talk about all the horrible things that you could do with money. Instead I want to talk about new ways to improve your relationship with money. I completely owe my new relationship with money to Inelia Benz and her website The following exercise is her own creation. I would like to share it with you all.

Open your heart to money. Do not ask for things. But simply try to connect to the spirit of money as you would do with someone you are trying to get to know. Money does not like anything more than to be a lot. Think about it. What else can money do to express itself fully? Get hold of a note. Put it between your palms. Feel it. Money is so warm. Feel it. After a while you will be able to feel its energy rising through your arms via your hands. Embrace it. Feel it entering your aura. Introduce yourself to money like you would do with a new friend. Then continue to let money express itself in your hands and invite it to permeate your energy field. Relax and let it express fully. Do this without desire for anything if you can. Just enjoy the warmth of this new friendship.

Then thank your new friend for coming to see you and let it know that in your life it is very very welcome to express it itself without restraint at all times.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

We are Interdimensional Beings: Check it out by yourself!

There is no reason to doubt that we are not the only beings in the universe. How could we possibily be so selfish and deluded to think the opposite? The truth is that most people believe in extraterrestrials. It is also true that most people just happen not to bother or even ever think of it. Why should they? Life as it is, with its daily problems, is already more than busy. What difference does it make for you if ETs exist or not?

If you ever happen to lie on your bed, unable to fall asleep, or simply enjoying resting on your sofa and in the dark (it does not work in the bright light...or it just works differently so I will talk about this some other times) whilst listening to some relaxing music, you could find out by yourself whether it matters or not. You could actually find out that maybe there are not just ETs, but that these ETs are interdimensional, and not travelling across space and time but through different vibrational realities.

First of all relax. Really relax. Relax your body and let go. Let go of all, fears, worries, religion, politics, love, sex and whatever else fills your mind right now. Then agree with yourself that no matter what you see you will not let fear take over, because after all, whatever you will see is there all the time. It just happens that most of the time, you do not wittingly focus to concentrate on it. Then choose a spot in the air and fix it.

Do not move your eyes. Yes, you can blink, but then keep on fixing the same spot. You will find that the atmosphere actually has a visible movement. Keep on watching. Do not stop...

Well?!?!? Now, How do you know that to those you just saw you are not just the same i.e. An Interdimensional Being?